No online sales on 8-9 Feb due to the KZ Kinky Market #2 on Saturday and Studio Kink's Giant BuySwap Sell on Sunday.

The 2024 Sydney Mardi Gras Parade is only a week away

The 2024 Sydney Mardi Gras Parade is only a week away

Posted by Miss Emm on 26th Feb 2024

Dust of that sequined top, get the glitter ready, and make your way to Oxford St on Saturday 2nd March for the 2024 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade. 

Cover Photo: Johnny Thailand

Studio Kink - Unchain your Future

I'm looking forward to being part of the Studio Kink Unchain your Future float for this year's parade, joining 79 other kinksters for the 1.7km walk from the bottom of Oxford St to Moore Park. That might not sound far but in 6" heels trust me it is!

A quick look back to 2023 - Turn up the Kink

Last year was my first time as a participant in the Parade, and what a wonderful experience it was.

The 2023 Studio Kink Mardi Gras float truck. Photo: Johnny Thailand

The day began hours before the parade - getting dressed in latex and high heels at home before catching the train to the city. Even at 2pm there was already a strong Mardi Gras flavour to the Saturday afternoon commuter crowd with the vast majority of spectators and participants using public transport to make their way into town.

Next stop: Mardi Gras

Once in town I met up with the rest of the Studio Kink float participants at World Square for some pre-parade for a few photos and to collect our parade wristbands - no wristband no march :) 

The 2023 Studio Kink Mardi Gras Parade float participants. Photo: Roberto Duran

Several members of the public took the opportunity to pose for photos in World Square.

After World Square all 80 of us walked to the official parade participant area in Hyde Park. The walk took about 10 minutes. The queue to get in through security took 90 minutes! Something to do with added security related to the 2023 Sydney World Pride event I'm told. Not to worry, the queue was full of interesting and colourful people.

Posing for a few pre-parade photos in Hyde Park

Whilst waiting around before the parade got underway I had the privilege of meeting Australian Greens Leader and Federal Member for Melbourne Adam Bandt and WA Greens Senator Dorinda Cox who were both marching in the Greens float. It is inspiring to see our politicians so passionately involved in events such as the Mardi Gras Parade. They are very much part of the communities they represent.

It was great to meet fellow marchers Greens Leader Adam Bandt and Senator Dorinda Cox

I would like to say a big thank you to the crew from Studio Kink for organising their fabulous kink themed float each year, and to the two amazing photographers Johnny Thailand and Roberto Duran who each took hundred of photos before and during the parade so everyone would have some wonderful memories of their experience.

The 2024 Mardi Gras kicks off at 7:30pm on Saturday 2nd March and runs up Oxford St near Hyde Park to Moore Park. Check out the official Mardi Gras website for all the latest information. The entire parade will be shown live on ABC TV.