No online sales on 8-9 Feb due to the KZ Kinky Market #2 on Saturday and Studio Kink's Giant BuySwap Sell on Sunday.

All the goodies from the March Sanctuary Fetish Market

All the goodies from the March Sanctuary Fetish Market

Posted by emmjay on 10th Mar 2019

We had seven stallholders at the  The Sanctuary Fetish Market today, and lots of visitors wandering through to see all of the kinky goodies on display. I was there with quite a few brand brand new paddle and canes, after a busy few weeks at the workbench. 

This beautiful fiddleback Queensland Narrowleaf Wattle paddle I created last week was the first of several paddles and canes from my stall to find a new home during the day. Each month I try to bring several new toys to the market so there's always something new to see.

My new batch of panes (flat canes) are proving to be rather popular. Many visitors had not seen a flat cane before and found the prospect of an impact toy somewhere between a paddle and a cane quite appealing. 

The last Purpleheart handled cane from my current batch found a new home during the day. (To a woman in a purple top of course.) For those not familiar with it Purpleheart is a tree which grows in Central and South American and produces naturally purple timber. Luckily I've got a few more Purpleheart paddles and canes on the workbench which should be ready by next month, to satisfy the demand from the many lovers of purple things.

Here's a quick rundown on the wonderful kinky goodness which was on offer at the market this month.

J.V.R Costumes Waistcoat J.V.R Waistcoats had some amazing garments on display, including this rather dapper waistcoat covered in pictures of waistcoats. They also had some fancy blindfolds, masks and other fashion related bits and pieces at their stall. I saw the tape measure come out during the day to measure up some prospective waistcoat wearers, as each waistcoat is custom made to make sure it's a perfect fit.

Pastel Poisons Spanking Paddles Pastel Poisons Spanking PaddlesPastel Poisons had the most colourful stall at the market, with their display of handpainted paddles, which were largely made from reclaimed and repurposed materials. Each paddle was painted with a unique design.

Whilst wandering around the market myself in the quieter moments I received an excellent education from Pastel Poisons on paddle design considerations for people with a disability. Pastel Poisons are doing great things trying to help make kink accessible to everyone. Many kink toys can pose problems for those with mobility issues, and those who have trouble with gripping things. Pastel Poisons have put considerable thought into their paddles to help make them easy to use for those who may have difficulties holding some other paddles.

Glass Butterflies Leather Floggers Glass Butterflies Leather Floggers

Glass Butterflies Leather had their superb handmade floggers on display. They make floggers from rabbit fur, leather, suede, rubber, deerskin, elk, kangaroo leather and lambskin. Each material has its own characteristics- some floggers sound dramatic but don't hurt much, whereas others pack a serious punch with a quiet thud. If you're curious about trying floggers Glass Butterflies has a wealth of knowledge on the subject and they are always more than happy to share it.

Scented Cockie Candles and Soaps at The Sanctuary Scented Cockie Candles and Soaps at Sanctuary Fetish Market

Cockies Scented Soaps and Candles were making their first ever appearance at a fetish market with their very colourful and very adult themed soaps and candles, which were all lovingly handmade.  They're also adding adult lollies to their range in the near future. Further adding to the variety of the day were some of their elegant portrait style digital artworks on display next to the soaps and candles. They were happy to take commissions for new artworks in a similar style.

Invisible Light Invisible Light

Invisible Light was an institution on Enmore Rd Newtown for nearly a quarter of a century until it closed its doors earlier this year. Luckily for its legion of dedicated fans a small range of goodies from the shop are now appearing at the Sanctuary Fetish Market. The selection this month included steampunk goggles, cuffs and collars, fluffy ears and even a fake moustache! Seeing such an eclectic variety brought back fond memories of exploring the shop on Enmore Road in years gone by.

I hope to see you at  The Sanctuary Fetish Market next month on Sunday 14 April. Until then, have fun and enjoy your kink.